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Setting SMART Goals for Your Surveying Business

Written by Greg Wunz | Sep 16, 2024 6:21:00 PM


Imagine securing a high-profile project that could transform your land surveying business, but falling short because your team isn't aligned or equipped to meet the demands. In the dynamic world of land surveying, setting clear, actionable goals isn't just beneficial—it's essential for staying ahead of the curve.


In an industry where precision and efficiency are paramount, land surveying professionals face unique challenges—from navigating complex regulations to adopting rapidly evolving technologies. The key to overcoming these hurdles lies in setting goals that are not just ambitious but also strategic and attainable. This is where the SMART framework comes into play.

SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. In this blog post, we'll delve into how you can harness the power of SMART goals to propel your surveying business forward. We'll provide actionable steps, real-world examples, and insights into aligning these goals with your company's vision and mission.

Why SMART Goals Matter in Land Surveying

Before we dive into the how, let's address the why. The land surveying industry is experiencing significant shifts:

  • Technological Advancements: The rise of drone surveying and advancements in BIM (Building Information Modeling), and GIS (Geographic Information Systems) is changing how surveys are conducted.
  • Regulatory Changes: New laws and regulations require constant adaptation.
  • Client Expectations: There's a growing demand for faster turnaround times and more detailed data.

Setting SMART goals enables you to navigate these changes proactively rather than reactively.

How to Set SMART Goals

1. Specific

Be clear and unambiguous in what you want to achieve.

    • Challenge: Vague goals like "improve efficiency" don't provide direction.
    • Solution: Define specific objectives.

Example: "Implement drone surveying capabilities to reduce field data collection time by 30%."

2. Measurable

Establish criteria to track progress and measure outcomes.

    • Challenge: Without metrics, you can't gauge success.
    • Solution: Use Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Example: "Increase the number of completed surveys from 10 to 13 per month over the next quarter."

3. Achievable

Set realistic goals considering your resources and constraints.

    • Challenge: Overambitious goals can demotivate your team.
    • Solution: Assess your current capabilities.

Example: "Train two team members on BIM software within the next two months."

4. Relevant

Ensure your goals align with your business objectives and industry trends.

    • Challenge: Goals that don't support your mission can divert valuable resources.
    • Solution: Align goals with your vision and market demands.

Example: "Adopt eco-friendly surveying practices to appeal to environmentally conscious clients."

5. Time-bound

Set a clear deadline to foster urgency and focus.

    • Challenge: Open-ended goals can lead to procrastination.
    • Solution: Define a timeline.

Example: "Launch the new website by December 31st."

Aligning SMART Goals with Your Vision and Mission

Crafting Your Vision and Mission Statements

  • Vision: "To be the most trusted and innovative land surveying firm, setting industry standards for excellence."
  • Mission: "To deliver precise, reliable, and efficient surveying services using cutting-edge technology and a highly skilled team."

Prioritizing Goals

Focus on goals that bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

  • If your vision emphasizes innovation, prioritize adopting new technologies like drone surveying or advanced GIS systems.
  • If your mission focuses on reliability, set goals around staff training and quality assurance processes.

Real-World Success Story

Case Study: GeoMap Solutions

GeoMap Solutions aimed to enhance their market competitiveness. They set the following SMART goal:

  • Specific: Implement drone surveying.
  • Measurable: Achieve a 25% reduction in data collection time.
  • Achievable: Allocate budget for drones and training.
  • Relevant: Meets the industry trend towards advanced technology.
  • Time-bound: Complete within six months.

Outcome: Not only did they meet their goal, but they also increased their client base by 15%, thanks to faster project completions and improved data accuracy.*

Addressing Common Challenges

Overcoming Team Resistance

“What if my team is resistant to change?”

  • Solution: Involve team members in the goal-setting process. Provide training and highlight the benefits to their daily work.

Justifying Investment in Technology

“Is the investment in new technology worth it?”

  • Solution: Calculate the Return on Investment (ROI) by considering increased efficiency, higher client satisfaction, and the potential for new business.

Staying Ahead with Industry Trends

The land surveying industry is not static. Here are some trends to be aware of:

  • Integration with BIM and GIS: Enhances data sharing and project collaboration.
  • Eco-Friendly Practices: Increasingly important for clients and regulatory bodies.
  • Automation and AI: For data analysis and error reduction.

Set SMART goals to integrate these trends into your business model, ensuring you remain competitive and relevant.

Taking Action: Your Roadmap to Success

  1. Assess Your Current Situation

    • Review your existing processes, technologies, and team capabilities.
  2. Engage Your Team

    • Hold a workshop to discuss potential goals and gather input.
  3. Draft Your SMART Goals

    • Use the SMART framework to define each goal clearly.
  4. Align with Vision and Mission

    • Ensure each goal supports your broader objectives.
  5. Develop an Action Plan

    • Break down goals into tasks, assign responsibilities, and set deadlines.
  6. Monitor and Adjust

    • Regularly review progress and make adjustments as needed.

Resources to Get You Started


Setting SMART goals is more than a planning exercise—it's a strategic move that positions your land surveying business for sustained success. By being Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound, you create a clear roadmap to achieve your vision.

Don't wait for opportunities to pass you by. Start setting your SMART goals today and unlock the full potential of your business.

Reach out and share your goals with us with let us help you.

* Fictious company